Authenticating and authorizing with the Thumbtack API using OAuth 2.0
Thumbtack’s leads and messaging APIs expose a real-time webhook-based API to integrate Thumbtack into your customer acquisition workflows. This guide explains the authorization and authentication workflow lifecycle, from connection to disconnection.
Thumbtack’s API’s implement the OAuth 2.0 protocol, specifically using the authorization code flow. A Thumbtack pro, once initiating the flow from your product, will log in to Thumbtack, authorize Thumbtack to share their data with you, and then redirect back to a URL of your choosing.
The authentication lifecycle
The lifecycle consists of: 1) authorization of data sharing, 2) refreshing connections, and 3) disconnection. Implementation of all three is required in order to complete the integration.
Authorizing data sharing
Step 1: Get OAuth credentials and staging environment access
To get developer credentials with Thumbtack, contact us via the Request Access button at the top right of the page. This consists of OAuth credentials and staging environment login credentials.
OAuth credentials
In order to implement Thumbtack’s APIs, you’ll need OAuth credentials. They consist of the following pairs for both your staging and production environments:
- Client ID / consumer key
- Client secret / consumer secret
Staging environment login credentials
Our staging environment is where you can create your own data and interact with the Thumbtack product as if you were a customer and a pro, allowing full end to end testing. The credentials consist of:
- username
- password
Step 2: Connect a Thumbtack account with a partner service
In order for a Thumbtack pro’s data to be shared by Thumbtack with your integrated partner service, the pro must authorize the connection via the OAuth flow. You will direct the Thumbtack OAuth authorization flow using the following URL:
Before you start
We strongly encourage you to use an OAuth library for your tech stack where possible, or alternatively the generated OAuth APIs via our OpenAPI spec if your stack supports the security extension.
Below documents the information needed for a both a manual implementation alongside one utilizing a library.
Note for manual OAuth implementation
The URL parameters for the all API calls must be URL encoded. For example, with the following API, if you had a parameter "lorem ipsum", it would be encoded as below<PARAMETER>
OAuth connection URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Required |
client_id | string | This is a consumer key provided by Thumbtack. | |
scope | string | Authorization scopes allow access to specific information from Thumbtack. | |
redirect_uri | string | Thumbtack redirects the pro to this URL after they complete authorization. | |
response_type | string | This must contain string code as a response type. | |
state | string | The client inserts state information that will be appended to the redirect_uri upon successful user authorization. If state is not required by the client, send a random 10 character string. |
Authorization scopes
Partners will have to pass the relevant scope with which they want to integrate. Partners can pass multiple scopes if they want to integrate with multiple Thumbtack endpoints. The access token issued will be limited to the scopes granted. The documentation for each API will state the scopes required under its Authorizations section.
Step 3: Obtain an authorization code
After confirming the connection, Thumbtack redirects the pro to a redirect URL with the authorization code in the URL. The redirect URL will look like this:
The authorization code will expire in 5 minutes
Step 4: Request an access token
Once the pro authorizes access, they're redirected back to the URL with the authorization code. This API will use an authorization code from the request return access token and refresh token in the response.
Request endpoint
Request header
Authorization: Basic <B64-encoded_oauth_credentials>
The Authorization: Basic authorization header is generated through a Base64 encoding of <client_id>:<client_secret>. You can use to see how headers should be encoded.
Access token request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
grant_type | string | This must contain string authorization_code as a grant type. | |
code | string | The authorization code is returned to the redirect_url in the step-3. | |
redirect_uri | string | Thumbtack redirects to this URL after they complete authorization. |
Access token response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
access_token | string | The access token issued by the authorization server. | |
token_type | string | The type of token issued. Must return bearer as a token type. | |
expires_in | number | The access token lifetime in seconds. The default expiry is 3600 seconds (1 hour). | |
refresh_token | string | The refresh token issued by the authorization server. |
Access Token expiry time - 1 hour
Refresh Token expiry time - 720 hours
Sample response:
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "_s3cnwGAb5VgBt-CmYFSOw"
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "_s3cnwGAb5VgBt-CmYFSOw"
Refreshing connections
When an access token expires, you're required to use the API below with the refresh token, which has a long lifetime to obtain a new access token and refresh token pair.
Request endpoint
Request header
Authorization: Basic <B64-encoded_oauth_credentials>
The Authorization: Basic authorization header is generated through a Base64 encoding of <client_id>:<client_secret>. You can use to see how headers should be encoded.
Expected Request Params
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
grant_type | string | This must contain string refresh_token as a grant type. | |
refresh_token | string | The refresh token value that you received along with the access token in step-4. | |
token_type | string | This must contain string REFRESH as a token type. |
Expected Response Params
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
access_token | string | The access token issued by the authorization server. | |
token_type | string | The type of token issued. Must return bearer as a token type. | |
expires_in | number | The access token lifetime in seconds. The default expiry is 3600 seconds (1 hour). | |
refresh_token | string | The refresh token issued by the authorization server. |
Error handling with grace period
We have implemented a grace period in the OAuth refresh token flow to handle network errors, timeout errors, and similar issues. If you receive null in the response to the API at the time of refreshing the token, we encourage your partner service to implement the retry logic on their side. This will call the API with the same refresh token to get the valid response. The grace period time is 10 seconds.
Disconnecting from the OAuth flow disconnecting active webhooks
If you choose to disconnect an integration between Thumbtack and a partner service, you're required to call our disconnect endpoint. The disconnect endpoint revokes your OAuth refresh and access tokens. It also disconnects the active webhooks for the business in question. See the API spec for more information.